Welcome to NewsIndexerAn automatic semantic indexing system for the news industry! NewsIndexer uses a broad and deep taxonomy to reflect the news media's evolving coverage of topics. Developed by our team of expert taxonomists, NewsIndexer supports automatic news filtering or assists human indexers in tagging subjects for individual news articles. Identification of the topics and concepts in each article inline, as well as for the article as a whole, leverages search and discovery while maintaining high accuracy, precision, and recall. The result is an unparalleled tool for enhancing discoverability of content. Online searches for news articles often yield a flood of erroneous hits and useless links. To retain the faith of readers, online searches must yield more useful results. News publishers have needed better ways of indexing articles, and have sought indexing software to make the process easier. NewsIndexer terms have been mapped to the GICS, IPTC and ICB systems to support RSS and topical news feeds to all customers. The export options comply with the NITF (News Industry Text Format) standards of the IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council). NewsIndexer terms have all been mapped to the GICS, IPTC and ICB systems as well to ensure that the data from all newsfeeds can be fully tagged and presented to support RSS and topical news feeds to all customers. The export options are mapped for compliance with the NITF (News Industry Text Format) standards of the IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council). |